Demand was so strong for the cover crop that seed inventory sold-out last year. "I conducted my initial research on cover crops and literally had to beg to get on agenda's at crop meetings," recalled University...
During IDFA's Tuesday morning session at Dairy Forum 2012, Rabobanks's Tim Hunt and Blimling and Associate's Phil Plourd discussed the topic of "Dairy Market Outlook" with nearly 800 conference attendees....
Setting goals for your dairy can be done at any time, but take the time this New Year to write them down.Yesterday, I worked with high school students preparing their 2012 livestock project goals. The...
Most of us have a warm comfortable home to go to when our days are done, an even greater blessing in winter. But, this holiday season, have we given our cows the gift of a comfortable environment?
Top 50 genomic Holstein bulls are all over 788 Net Merit. Genomics is accelerating the pace of genetic change. In the Holstein breed, it took a Net Merit (NM$) score of 788 to make the top 50 list among...
Tomorrow is the day to educate family members about their food. You'll have a captive audience and a full table. According to MSN, all but 5 percent of us will eat turkey tomorrow. While that number seems...
Nearly all the growth in September milk production once again came from the Western dairy states which all posted positive gains as they did in August. Leading the pack was Texas reporting a 10.1 percent...
Dairy prices for October forecasted lower than September but stay above 2010 levels. Beef production remains strong. The milk production forecast for the remainder of 2011 has been raised. September production...
In North America, there are many native ruminants, that is, herbivore animals with a complex digestive system, a major compartment of which is the rumen. Some present-day examples are the bison (Bison...
Sexed semen has only been on the market for a handful of years, but has already become a familiar, although not necessarily widespread, tool in the dairy industry. Higher cost and lower fertility are still...
Top 50 genomic Holstein bulls over 750 Net Merit. The August sire evaluations are ready for your review. We have created lists for all seven breeds. In the Holsteins, the Top 100 bulls for Net Merit are...
It is our responsibility to provide a safe, nutritious food supply. The recent recall of ground turkey and an E. coli outbreak in Michigan are recent examples of food making people sick. They remind us...
Research has been piling up for nearly 20 years that the old mantra of one pound of regular replacer powder per calf per day does little more than just keep them alive – and that's if the weather...
New Zealand has followed a similar economic trend to its biggest customer, supplier, and investor, Australia, and it hasn't been pretty. But New Zealand is now beginning to mimic Australia's resource-driven...
It may be an essential nutrient for growing crops, but phosphorus (P) can wreak havoc when it flows to noncropping areas like streams, rivers, and lakes. Once in waterways, it can lead to algal blooms....
At the Environmental Protection Agency's AgSTAR ( conference this week, we will hear from experts on the latest and greatest things happening with anaerobic digesters. Yesterday,...
Under ideal conditions, corn will emerge in 10 days or less after planting. But, the cool, wet weather throughout much of the Corn Belt during April has been anything but ideal. Given these cooler soil...
The April sire evaluations are ready for your review. We have created lists for all seven breeds. In the Holsteins, the Top 100 bulls for Net Merit are listed. All bulls must be in the top 40 percentile...
Whole Foods Market is phasing in a new five-step animal welfare rating program for all chicken, beef, and pork products (Click here for their animal welfare page). At the least, all animal products must...